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Deal on Nescafe Gold Blend Rich And Smooth Coffee Powder, 200G Glass Jar Latest Price 730

(8 customer reviews)

Original price was: ₹1,500.00.Current price is: ₹781.00.

Discount on Nescafe Gold Blend Rich And Smooth Coffee Powder, 200G Glass Jar Latest Price 730

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Original price was: ₹1,500.00.Current price is: ₹781.00.

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8 reviews for Deal on Nescafe Gold Blend Rich And Smooth Coffee Powder, 200G Glass Jar Latest Price 730

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  1. M S.

    I take this (Nescafe Gold Blend) as black coffee without sugar, further comments are made accordingly.
    It’s not bad coffee- maybe better than most available in the market. But priced at Rs. 275/50g, it’s really not worth spending this much either. At this price, Davidoff (Espresso 57 or Rich Aroma) are much more flavorful and delicious options. Those leave a nice lingering slightly acidic aftertaste which is lacking here.
    No doubt that Nescafe Gold Blend has a smooth texture, with a subtle burnt and bitter taste, but has nothing else at all to offer. It falls way short of the rich taste that Davidoff offers. Have to finish this jar and go buy Davidoff again.

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  2. Devang Khalkar

    If you’re just a normal person who wants an enhanced flavour than the regular nescafe then don’t go for it.
    The taste is completely different than that of regular nescafe. It tastes bitter and the coffee does not have powder form. there are small chips of coffee which look appealing but trust me if you’re a person who likes to make coffee by dissolving coffee with sugar and making it frothy and then adding milk, these chips will give you a tough time dissolving.
    I went for the name GOLD
    As always considered gold = better
    but here gold = different.
    If you want to experiment anyway, go for smaller pack (even though it has less discount).

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  3. Kalyan

    I have ordered this from Cloudtail seller 2 times and never had any issue and it tastes really good and this time I have got this from seller RK International…. It’s really pathetic taste and its really very bad
    Guys never ever buy this from seller R K international
    I request Amazon to not to permission to sell produts from these kind of sellers
    This is my first review even though I bought 100s of products from Amazon

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  4. Tathagat

    I had for long been wanting to taste Gold Because people had been telling me about its strong taste and me being a lover of black coffee and strong ones, i thought to buy it here.
    What mistake i made was i bought a product without proper research. My friend who had been suggesting me Gold was drinking a product imported from Korea with Arabica : Robusta in 48:52 and what this product has is 60:40. Coffee enthusiasts will comprehend this ratio pretty well.
    So the product which i have now turns out to be less strong than what i had been told. But nevertheless coffee is coffee, can compromise with the taste for this bottle.

    Delivery :5/5
    Product: 3/5 (because i have a tongue for strong coffee and this didn’t turn out to be that good for my taste)


    This product is different (explained below) than those sold in India in a curved bottle.
    People who had been tasting Gold from the brick and mortar stores, that is in a curved bottle would find it more sober.

    This product has been shipped from Switzerland and has a different proportion of Arabica and Robusta (60:40) than those sold in the curved body bottles (48:52).
    Another difference is that the regular curved bottle Gold which we get in India is imported from South Korea and not Orbe, Switzerland. And hence the straight bottle.

    Arabica Coffee has caffeine content much lower than that in the Robusta Coffee. I could figure it out at the first sip of the Black coffee that i brewed as soon as i got it. The higher quantity of Arabica makes it a bit sober than normal coffee which is quite strong.

    For first timers – If you had been acquainted with strong black coffee from nescafe classic, DO NOT BUY THIS.

    For the people searching for Gold online – if you have tasted the curved bottle Gold, this product may feel more sober and less caffeinated. So Do not buy it. Search for a Curved bottle Gold which is imported from Korea

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  5. Amazon Customer

    No MRP, or date of manufacture, along with other detail missing. Though at first, it looked original, when you look closely the branding is different to what is otherwise is on the nestle gold coffee, minor detail are missing.
    The flavour- This too is not what Gold tastes like ( brought from offline retail) … frankly, Something is not right about this product. please do reconsider your decision about buying this one!

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  6. Silk

    Why change a winner?

    Nescafe Gold Blend has been the leading brand of instant coffee for years – so why change it? Your new blend smells different, tastes different and leaves residue at the bottom of the cup. I have heard that you are trying to give it a more ‘Barista’ style – but why/ You already make Nescafe Barista..so if people actually want Barista style, they will pick one of your other brands. Sadly, as you do not have any other type of coffee, that tastes as smooth and mild as the ‘original’ Nescafe Gold Blend, I will have to find another brand. This will be very hard, as I have tried almost all of the other brands and types and nothing has come close to the taste of the original Gold Blend….. But, sadly, you leave me no choice.

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  7. Ruchi

    made cappuccino in restraunt style and the taste was awesome. Very creamy and smooth. Love the product.. Thank you nescafe and amazon.. ???

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  8. Miit

    The new Nescafe Gold is a smooth blend of arabica (60%) and Robusta.
    The difference between this & the earlier version-
    the PACKAGING- more elegant now
    the PRICE- increased (the only bad part)
    and the COMPOSITION- earlier version had Robusta(52%) and Arabica-48%.
    The blend has become even better.

    Black coffee lovers will love it’s smooth yet strong taste, while latte and cappuccino will enjoy it’s flavour .

    It’s overall a great instant coffee.
    Highly recommended!

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    Deal on Nescafe Gold Blend Rich And Smooth Coffee Powder, 200G Glass Jar Latest Price 730
    Deal on Nescafe Gold Blend Rich And Smooth Coffee Powder, 200G Glass Jar Latest Price 730

    Original price was: ₹1,500.00.Current price is: ₹781.00.

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